Information For Authors

Information for Authors

Before you submit the manuscript, we recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies and the detailed Author Guidelines (AUTHOR GUIDELINES) .

Submission and double-blind peer review process is handled online via Manuscript central – ScholarOne

Please note that we are not able to process article using the OJS system or e-mail.

Publication fees

The journal does not have any article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges nor publication fee. There are no charges at any part of the pre- and post publication such as submission, editorial, review, copyediting or proofreading process. Authors do not pay anything to the journal.

Submission of article

The article should be submitted online at Manuscript central – ScholarOne

Authors need to create an account/register with the journal at Manuscript central – Scholar One  prior to submitting or, if already registered, author can log in and begin with submission. The system will be leading you step-by-step through the submission process.

Technical details

Please follow the TECHNICAL GUIDELINES  while preparing an article for submission.

  1. Your article should be submitted as a Word file. You can use PAPER TEMPLATE 
  2. The submission should include:
    • Cover letter,
    • Title page (Title, Full Names and Affiliations of Authors,  Abstract, Keywords, JEL Classification, Corresponding Author),
    • Manuscript (Title, Abstract, Keywords, JEL Classification, Main Text, Acknowledgments, References)
  3. The Abstract should be written according to the Author Guidelines.
  4. Table and Figures should be placed in the main text.
  5. References: 
    • The reference style is APA (American Psychological Association) style.
    • References should cover recent findings 2-5 years from leading journals from WoS, Scopus etc.
    • The average article should include 30-50 references.
    • References in the list of references must all be included in the text and vice-versa.
    • If the referenced article has DOI number, it should be added to the reference.
    • Please, take special care to use only Roman script characters in references (e.g. no č ć ž š đ ê ç ß ä ñ etc, unless absolutely necessary). Authors are advised to transcribe letters in the references to Roman Latin alphabet, e.g. ć,č->c, š->s, ž->z 
  6. The manuscript should be written in good British or American English.

The manuscript will be check for technical details. If there is missing some of the technical details, the manuscript will be returned to the corresponding author.

After the technical screening, editors evaluate the manuscript. After initial article assessment, editors decide to send the paper to double peer-review or reject a paper if the Journal's requirements are not fulfilled (for example, the aim or scope of the Journal, etc.).

Review process

The manuscript is initially reviewed by Editors and afterwards by minimum two independent reviewers, chosen by the Editorial Board as the experts in the field. The process is double-blind. In the case of opposing reviewer opinions, the Editor finds the middle ground between the views or a third reviewer is engaged to help Editor decide on the article.

Author/s should revise the manuscript according to the reviewer's comments and suggestions and submitted via the Manuscript central – ScholarOne. Reviewers evaluate the paper and suggest to accepted/revised/reject the article. Editors make the final decision of acceptance or rejection of the manuscript.

After successful acceptance the manuscript

After the article is accepted, author/s should prepare the first page with the necessary data (name, affiliation, e-mail, short bio and photo). Feel free to use provided technical .docx TEMPLATE 

The manuscript will be forwarded to the publisher for copy editing and typesetting. It will be published online in section Forthcoming articles as full text as PDF file and with DOI number. Later, it will be published in some of the next issues of the Journal.

Authorship changes

Authors have agreed to be listed on the manuscript. If there are any changes after submission, like a different authors' order, removing or adding author, all listed authors need to approve it. If someone of the listed authors disagrees with changes, the manuscript would not be reviewed/published until all listed authors agree with the change. Request for changes authorship should be sent to the editors. Any authorship changes are possible before final acceptance of the paper.

Publication Ethics

Authors, reviewers, and editors are expected to meet ethical behaviour and responsibility standards presented in detail here: Detailed Publication ethics and publication malpractice statement .


By submitting the article to the Journal, authors agree to allow all users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. The submitted papers are assumed to contain no proprietary material - responsibility for technical content and protection of proprietary material rests solely with the author(s) and their organizations and is not the journal's responsibility, its publishers or its editorial staff. The main author, which is either first or the corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that the article has been seen and approved by all the other authors. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain all necessary copyright release permissions for the use of any copyrighted materials in the manuscript prior to the submission.