Sport management in Emerging Economy: Squad size, Expenses and Results – Case of the Brazilian Football League


  • Ivan Wallan Tertuliano Adventist University Center of São Paulo (Unasp) - São Paulo - Brazil.
  • Eric Matheus Rocha Lima Laboratory of Studies and Research in Sports Psychology (LEPESPE) - São Paulo State University at Rio Claro (UNESP) - Rio Claro – Brazil.
  • Vivian Oliveira University Center FIEO – Osasco – Brazil.
  • Bruna Alves Santana Adventist University Center of São Paulo (Unasp) - São Paulo - Brazil.
  • Vladan Pavlović University of Pristina, Faculty of Economics, K. Mitrovica, Serbia;
  • Afonso Antonio Machado São Paulo State University at Rio Claro (UNESP) - Rio Claro – Brazil.



Football, Brazilian football league, Football Clubs, Classification of clubs, Sports administration


Research Question: the paper investigates the influence of the size of the squad and the club's expenditures on football in the final classification in seasons 2008 to 2016 of the first division of the Brazilian Football League (Serie A). Motivation: Considering soccer as the most important sport in Brazil, representing a cultural symbol of the country, it is better to make it necessary. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the influence of the size of the squad on the performance of the teams and, in addition, how much the clubs invest in the formation of these squads. Idea: In this perspective, the central hypothesis of this study is that clubs with the highest number of players will also present the best classifications, and the second central hypothesis is that clubs with more investments in football have the biggest squad. Data: (The study was conducted with data collected over the internet, using data provided by clubs. Only the clubs belonging to the first division were used, being a total of 34 clubs, divided into 2 groups, according to the investment value in Football. Tools: This study presents descriptive and inferential analyses, since the qualitative-quantitative approach was assumed as a way of understanding the data. Assuming the number of clubs participating in the study, we chose non-parametric inferential analyses in the intra- and inter-group evaluations, using the alpha value of 0,05 as criterion. Findings: The results show that the size of the squad is not a determining factor in the ranking of clubs in the National League, but the clubs' spending on football is crucial, since the clubs with the highest spent on football were the clubs with the best safety ratings in 4 of 6 Championships. In addition, the results showed that the size of the squad and spending on Football  are not related, that is, it's not the size of the squad what determines the cost of football and other factors, such as wages of athletes. Contribution: One can conclude that to the first division of the Brazilian championship of professional football, the number of athletes in the squad is not a determining factor for the position taken by the clubs in the competition, but the value invested in wages, corroborating only one of the hypotheses of study. However, this study has some limitations, such as sample size (only 34 teams), the use of clubs from a single country, and the lack of information from other clubs (not all clubs provide their financial statements through the club or federation website). Therefore, we emphasize the need for new studies.

Author Biographies

Ivan Wallan Tertuliano, Adventist University Center of São Paulo (Unasp) - São Paulo - Brazil.

Ivan Wallan Tertuliano was born on 12th September 1981 in São Paulo. He graduated in Physical Education from University July 9 and obtained his Master degree in Physical Education from the University of São Paulo, Brazil. He got his PhD degree  from the São Paulo State University at Rio Claro, Brazil, a Post-Doctoral degree from the São Paulo State University at Rio Claro, Brazil. He is an assistant Professor at the Adventist University Center of São Paulo, member of the Laboratory of Studies and Research in Sports Psychology (São Paulo State University at Rio Claro), coordinator of Group of Research and Study in Sports Psychology (Adventist University Center of São Paulo), member of the editorial board of the Economic Outlook Magazine.

Eric Matheus Rocha Lima, Laboratory of Studies and Research in Sports Psychology (LEPESPE) - São Paulo State University at Rio Claro (UNESP) - Rio Claro – Brazil.

Eric Matheus Rocha Lima was born on 17th October ,1991 in Araras. He graduated and earned his MSc degree from the São Paulo State University at Rio Claro, Brazil. He is a member of the Laboratory of Studies and Research in Sports Psychology (São Paulo State University at Rio Claro).

Vivian Oliveira, University Center FIEO – Osasco – Brazil.

Vivian de Oliveira was born on 04th September, 1991 in Vinhedo. She received her Bsc and MSc degrees from the São Paulo State University at Rio Claro, Brazil. She is a member of the Laboratory of Studies and Research in Sports Psychology (São Paulo State University at Rio Claro), member of the Group of Research and Study in Sports Psychology (Adventist University Center of São Paulo) and a lecturer at the University Center FIEO.

Bruna Alves Santana, Adventist University Center of São Paulo (Unasp) - São Paulo - Brazil.

Bruna Alves Santana was born on 22th January ,1996 in São Paulo. She is a student at the Adventist University Center of São Paulo, at the Faculty of Physical Education, Brazil. She is a member of the Group of Research and Study in Sports Psychology (Adventist University Center of São Paulo).

Vladan Pavlović, University of Pristina, Faculty of Economics, K. Mitrovica, Serbia;

Vladan Pavlovic was born on 16th December, 1971 in Belgrade. He received his bachelor and MSc degrees from the Faculty of Economics in Subotica and a PhD from the Faculty of Business Studies, Megatrend University, where he was appointed assistant professor and associate professor in the field of accounting and auditing. He was appointed a full time professor in 2012 at the Faculty of Economics in Kosovska Mitrovica. He has published numerous papers in international and national journals.

Afonso Antonio Machado, São Paulo State University at Rio Claro (UNESP) - Rio Claro – Brazil.

Afonso Antonio Machado was born on 21th December, 1959 in Lins. He is a Post-Doctor from the Faculty form Lisbon and University of Minho, a Master and Doctor from the University of Campinas. He graduated  in Physical Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, graduated in Philosophy and Pedagogy from the University of Campinas. He is now a retired Professor at the São Paulo State University at Rio Claro, Institute of Biosciences, coordinator of the Laboratory of Studies and Research in Sports Psychology (São Paulo State University at Rio Claro). He has published numerous papers in international and national journals.




How to Cite

Tertuliano, I. W., Lima, E. M. R., Oliveira, V., Santana, B. A., Pavlović, V., & Machado, A. A. (2020). Sport management in Emerging Economy: Squad size, Expenses and Results – Case of the Brazilian Football League. Management:Journal of Sustainable Business and Management Solutions in Emerging Economies, 25(1), 57–66.


